
typeONE: poster sketches & first round iterations

the early sketches for the reach out and read posters were really difficult, and my results were hit and miss. where i was most successful i think were when i kept things simple or abstracted. i was honestly surprised at the sketches that were chosen for me to move forward with, not because i thought they were bad or that they were the wrong choices, but when i was sketching i thought i had already figured out which ones were going on...  just reiterates my mantra of "keep an open mind" in design.

for this "sketch" i was thinking about creating letterforms that i could construct easily analog that would also be interesting geometrically. i think this is my "less is more" side coming out. it doesn't however scream "kids", so i'm trying to think of materials to use to express childhood, like construction paper, or even felt and glitter...  something to take it away from the flat digital feel
i really like the concept of this poster.  we're living in the future. we're a decade into the new millennia. where are our colonies on mars and our flying cars and jet packs? when i was thinking about it, i had images of looney tunes and old 50's sci-fi posters. i like the opportunity to create something...  wild, though the sketch here isn't there yet. this is another one that if i move forward with i'd like to do analog, cutting shapes out of paper and doing the type by hand
this one is pretty straight forward.  i thought the factoid was a startling one, so it might be an attention grabber. also, there were a lot of opportunities to play with the idea of "one third"

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